I have offered links to my blog, another email list where they can receive an ecourse about residual income and my recommendations on reading material.
Your oto should be short, sweet and to the point. This page will consists of a headline, opening paragraph, short talk about the benefits, list of products with descriptions, bulleted list of benefits, guarantee, order link, a conclusion with P. S.'s and the link to your free products.
If you can answer yes to the above questions, it is likely you can at least make an inroad to joining the Clickbank inner circle one day yourself. https://xetaicenter.com/xe-tai-hino-5-tan/ is that most people don't take the time and energy to get all of these things in place.
First and foremost, one must have a working relationship with key vendors in order to convince them to promote a product for them on launch day. xe tai : Establish a few mentors. Get to know them and gain their trust by promoting their products and generating sales for them.
What do you do with your list? You sell them more products and send them occasional free contents. Up to 80% of some Internet marketers' income comes from backend sales. The goal of your business should be to create many sales funnels and many products pipelines. You must automate your business and make it generate a passive, residual income. That is one that does not require your presence for you to make money. You could be travelling or somewhere on a beach and still be able to earn money.
Ninety-five percent of Affiliate Marketers are leaving money on the table every time they promote a Clickbank product for someone else. And, even worse, they are killing their future income.
For one thing, none of these gurus crashed onto the scene and launched a new product right out of the blue. They all paid their dues by first establishing themselves as a bona fide affiliate marketer first. In doing so they created relationships with the top vendors and proved that they could move product. This is a key point.
HOWEVER!! I can guarantee my list of 1000 buyers bring me more money than their list of 7,500 because I have built a meaningful relationship with my list. Who wants subscribers who opt in only to ditch you after a month! So while BIG can be be GOOD, BIG is not always BETTER when you are looking at " responsiveness" of your list. I know some marketers who have lists of 100,000 people plus, yet they get an average response rate of a few percent. That's my warning! This is a very powerful strategy, so go try some Ad Swaps but be careful how much you use them.