What do you do with your list? You sell them more products and send them occasional free contents. Up to 80% of some Internet marketers' income comes from backend sales. The goal of your business should be to create many sales funnels and many products pipelines. You must automate your business and make it generate a passive, residual income. That is one that does not require your presence for you to make money. You could be travelling or somewhere on a beach and still be able to earn money.
So on ClickBank, you can do something similar. Another thing that you can do is offer a money back guarantee. Typically you want your money back guarantee to last for 60 days. In fact, I believe ClickBank says to offer no more than 60 days from the time of purchase. And if xetaicenter think this will hinder sales, it won't.
If you need to find pictures for your products the best way is to use Google's images search engine. It can be found on Google's main page by clicking the images link.
Whenever you enter into a business opportunity in which you receive a cooky cutter type web site, the problem is."You can not make any changes to it". You can not personalize it or optimize it for search engine optimization. It is the exact duplicate of thousands upon thousands of other affiliates in that specific company. The only difference between any of them is the affiliate ID number that you are given.
The third part of the oto page you will be using for JV Giveaway's will actually tell the visitor what the products are. To do this it is best to use a table two cells wide. On the one side you will want to put a picture of the products cover. On the other you will want to put the title of the product along with a brief description.
Find whatever ones you can that are still accepting new partners and sign up for them. Once you have completed your registration and signed in you should see a list of links. You will need to go to the partners area and then click on manage gifts.
The verification page provides your new subscribers with instructions on how to verify their email address in order to receive the free gift. Below that, a link regarding a bonus offer can be provided, or a link to just about anything you want.
xe tai nhe cu may have to tweak your sales page until you get it working good. The good news is you will be getting enough visitors to test and change it daily. Once you get it selling well all of this will be worthwhile.